Oh my goodness.. is there anything better than a ridiculously clean room?.. the answer is 'Yeah, actually I can think of a fair few things..' ok.. well, today I'm going to pretend that I don't agree with that answer.. there is nothing better.. coz LOOK!!! SOOO CLEAN!!
So.. I spent majority of this glorious day cleaning up my stinking room.. from about 12 till about 30 minutes ago.. no lies.. while the sun was shining out my window.. and the birds were chirping away.. I closed my blinds, turned up my music and didnt let myself get distracted by the amazing things around me that had nothing to do with going through piles of clothes, rubbish, boxes of unnecessary crap and tripping over things that reminded me of good times..

Sitting down at my clean desk.. I look around.. and its all different.. everythings been moved around.. I've thrown things that i dont need out.. I've put things into better places.. I've made room for new things.. I've left a great big bit of empty space (for dancing.. shh).. and I'm loving it..
I cant even explain how it makes me feel.. its almost as if its a massive encouraging nudge for me to get on with changing my life.. the things i know i need to deal with, to get going with putting what I know I need to do into action..
I need to actually sit down or kneel, stand, lay, jump or whatever and take that step toward getting rid of that worry.. to get rid of that constant heart ache.. to come to terms with that thing.. to let go of that pain.. to step up in that area and to grow up in the other.. to let it be over here and take a stand over there..
And once I do that?!.. I will have so much empty space.. space to live the life I've been wanting to live and space to love where I struggle to love.. space to do what God needs me to do.. space to dance, with the one who has been waiting so long for me to dance with Him..
But how do I just give it all over? That's something I'm still working on.. and struggling.. Knowing me.. I'm looking for this one thing in the totally wrong room.. if you know how.. PLEASE, let me know..
Until then.. I'll keep looking..