Saturday, October 24, 2009

There's a first for everything..

Like blogs for example..
If i may.. I would like to welcome myself to the the blogging world. So, without further ado (I just learnt that 'adieu' not 'ado' means goodbye in French, I'm nearly fluent in french, maybe one day I'll write a whole blog in French)
"Welcome Hollie, it's a.. it ok having you here".. Oh yeah, Cheers!

So I have NOOO idea who the heck would actually sit down and read my blogs, apart from the fact that I dont actually know what to tell people to look up so that they CAN.. Thats a lesson for a rainy day, I just dont think I make sense to be honest. :)

I just figured I have alot of jibberish that goes through my mind, that doesn't exactly make its way out of my mouth and into words.. so it makes life a little hard in the world of Hollie to have a clear, sunny day inside my head.. hence the excitment to begin this little adventure of spring cleaning the bedroom in my mind..

I've always wanted to be more spontaneous.. I've always wanted to be one of those girls on the little red push bike, with their little matching helmet, basket at the front, big smile on their face, loving life.. but i just cant find a floppin bike.. One day.

Well. I think that may be enough for now..
Farewell friends,
..or as we say in my country "Adieu"

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