Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mr. Josh Pyke.. you've got it to a T.

..And nothing breaks the heart much more than looking at old photographs. When you can taste the moment, and worse still, if it's passed. They're gone now to the future, but you still can't deny them, like a song that's sung. What i fear is that all of these things I hold dear, never become more than vibrations in air..

Little bit like what i would imagine a chapter would read like in the story of my life..!?

Just makes me think about how much a take for granted. Friends. Family. Situations. Opportunities. Moments. Days. Nights. And as much as I wish, so badly that I could carry around a camera 24/7, taking photos of everything so that those moments would never be forgotten.. I think that, in a way it would make hard times harder..

I look back at photos of things/people I miss, and at the moment.. it doesnt make missing them any easier.. It doesnt bring back and let me relive that moment in time when everything seemed so easy and fun..

On the other hand.. it excites me for the moments to come.. the photos from the good times coming that I'll be putting up on my wall and making a new folder for, so I can look back at them when i need a smile, giggle and a good memory to think about..

I have a terrible memory to begin with.. i mean TERRIBLE, and it actually upsets me.. because I like to think that if something awful was to happen, then i can always flick through the file in my memory to whip out the card that reminds me of 'that time'.. maybe i just need to increase my Omega 3!? :)

Well, thats enough sooking for tonight..

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