Thursday, April 22, 2010

Seattle you have one Graceful Hospital..

My Dearest Friends,

What an awfully long time it has been since I have loved you through the world of blogging goodness!! To be honest I'm not full of great reasons why it has been this long.. so I won't delve into that lame topic. However I will dive head first into this one.. A topic that is a little bit softer than those I could talk about seeing as though it has been months since we have communicated! hence my topic choice..

Grey's Anatomy.

NO don't stop reading.. I need to share my mind with you.. So here I go..

I am obsessed.. beyond obsessed. I will admit that I was not on the band wagon from the start however I am making it my new mission in life to get up to speed, but I don't know how I will cope when I have to wait a whole week between episodes. Some times I race the remote between episodes. None of this credits rubbish. None of the blue and black side on portraits of the beautiful, beautiful characters.. just give me MORE..

Much more Mc Dreamy, more Kelly and her hot lips, more George and his big eyes and beautiful little heart, more of Yang and her ridiculous/unique approach on life, more of Stephens and her over the top, drama queeness.. not a whole lot more of Grey and her slightly annoying voice.. and look I won't like.. Mc Steamy.. doesn't quite do it for me.. but heck, Alex.. more of you and your.. skills.

I dont know what it is exactly that has got me to this point of obsession, however I do know that I have woken up, numerous times, midway through dreaming, being part of the cast.. and loving life.. Maybe its something about 'togetherness' that has hooked me in.. I feel like I am a part of this show. HOW RIDICULOUS.. but ashamed to admit it.. I find myself spending more time with these people than people that exist in my life..

But, to my defence.. Everyone is so BUSY these days.. myself included.. work, uni, boyfriends, girlfriends, footy, parties, homework.. blah blah blah. It's just a strange feeling, being a little lost and out of place.. feeling like you don't know much about people you once knew so well.. and only really knowing a few people.. It's kind of sad.. maybe its just me.. But it's got me thinking thats for sure..

Not to worry mum, I do have friends. I just miss them, that's all..
This is a problem that I am willing to rectify as soon as possible..

Having said that.. I shall leave..

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