Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sun.. I welcome you. With open arms..

Why does everything seem to make more sense, seem to be more reachable and ok when in the sun? OK, so maybe its just me.. But it was a great way to spend my afternoon I'll give it that much.. For me, its almost like when i am in the sun I am so surrounded and smothered with God. His absolute real love and its overwhelming..

Deciding to leave Uni early seemed to be a good choice at the time.. but once i got home, put my doona out on the decking, grabbed my sunnies, a glass of juice, my ipod, computer and a Rob Bell sermon.. I was bound for a fabulous afternoon.. surrounded by UV rays! (skin cancer being the down point.. of course) my 'good' choice soon turned into a 'GREAT' one!

This made me appreciate all the good things.. GREAT things God gave me in that moment in time.. which then makes me think of all the things God put in front of me that I dont even take notice of..

I never appreciate things while I have them.. ok so, maybe I stole that line from my buddy Mr. Josh Pyke.. :) he says at the end of one of his songs - Middle of the Hill.. 'I dont pay enough to the good things when I've got them' and me, being me.. was like "GOOD POINT JOSHUA!! NEITHER DO I!".. speaking out aloud in a raised voice of course.. scaring the dogs sunbaking along side me.. haha.

But its too true. How often to we go by life, loving something in that moment.. and forgetting to thank the one who put that in our line of vision or in our hand.. or just in our day in general.. EVERYDAY! Constantly.. well for me anyway..

I am going to make it my personal mission to be consciously aware the things put into my life every single day that I need to always give thanks for. Sure, I'm going to miss 1000's of things everyday.. But hey.. Let the game begin!!

Now go frolic in the last hour or so of sunshine for the day.
Preferably listening to 'Defying Gravity' from the Wicked soundtrack.. That would have to the the song of the day today!! just a good floppin song!!

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